
1. Name:

The Society shall be known as “The Mersea Island Film Society”, referred to here as “MIFS”.

2. Objects:

The objects of MIFS are:

a) To advance the education of the members in the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of films chosen for their entertainment value.
b) To encourage interest in film as an art form and as a medium for public education and for the distribution of information, by means of the exhibition of films of artistic, cultural or scientific character.

3. Membership

a) Membership of MIFS is open to anyone on payment of the current fee and at the discretion of the Committee. Children under sixteen years of age must be accompanied by a close, adult, family member.
b) The Annual Subscription shall be set by a proposal at the Annual General Meeting.
c) Membership of MIFS shall entitle the holder to attendance at all film screenings and other meetings.
d) Membership of MIFS shall entitle the holder to priority booking for any other events for which an additional charge may be made
e) Membership of MIFS shall entitle the holder to one vote at Annual or other General meetings.
d) Membership of MIFS is not transferrable.

4. Management

a) The business of MIFS shall be managed by a Committee of at least six members and no more than ten. The Committee shall consist of a Chair, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Membership Secretary and such other Officers as may, from time to time, be appointed.
b) The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and hold office until their successors are elected at the next AGM.
c) The quorum for a Committee meeting shall be four and there shall be up to eight such meetings in a year.
d) MIFS shall hold a General Meeting at least once a year. A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee or upon written request being made of the Committee signed by at least six members.
e) MIFS shall be non-political, i.e. it shall not espouse the cause of any political party.
f) MIFS shall not be run for the private profit of a Member or Members. Any balance at the end of the year shall be carried over and
g) No Members or Committee Members shall receive payment directly or indirectly for their services or for anything other than legitimate expenses incurred in work for MIFS.
h) Accounts will be produced annually and inspected by an independent person.
i) MIFS shall not be wound-up except by a resolution of 75% of those present at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. In the event of a winding-up, the remaining funds of MIFS shall not be distributed among the Members but be passed to a non-profit making organisation or organisations with objects similar to those of MIFS. Such organisations shall be chosen by the Committee in consultation with the British Federation of Film Societies or a like organisation.

5. Alteration of Rules

No alteration of rules shall be made except by a resolution of 70% of those present at a General Meeting. No amendment shall be made which would cause MIFS to cease to be a not-for-profit organisation.

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